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Signed in as:
Part of the "co-op" is that parent volunteers run the operations of the school.
The WPNS Board is a wonderful way to get to know more parents on a deeper level at the school, play a key role in setting the direction and tone of the school, and help sustain WPNS - an incredible educational resource - for our children for years to come.
The President presides over all meetings and is an official representative of the school. The President works with the Director to liaise with WVC (our landlord) and the board. The President is responsible for communications to membership on behalf of the board and also sits on the Executive Board, which is responsible for decisions including finance and personnel (salaries, hiring, contracts).
Vice President - This has been divided to include two co-chairs who work as a team. The Vice Presidents sit on the Executive Board, which is responsible for decisions including finance and personnel (salaries, hiring, contracts).
VP of Reps - This co-chair is responsible for recruiting and managing the class reps. Each class has up to two representatives who act as the point people between teachers, school activities, and the individual families. The VP trains and supports these individuals (holds a major training in August and continues as needed throughout the year) and communicates info to the reps from the board that the reps share with their classes.
VP of Committee Jobs - This co-chair is responsible for assigning and tracking all jobs (excluding Board of Director positions) necessary for the school to run as a cooperative effort. Tasks include updating job descriptions before the Fall orientation, communicating the status of filled and available jobs, and providing Board Members with their committee lists as needed. As new families join, provides an email notification of job assignment to each registered family, and will respond to questions as needed in the job placement or job change process throughout the year. This VP maintains and updates the Job Description list annually in preparation for the coming year’s registration process, and may make updates as needed throughout the year with the concurrence of the Director and affected Board members.
The Treasurer sits on the Executive Board, which is responsible for decisions including finance and personnel (salaries, hiring, contracts). The Treasurer attends all Board meetings, maintains a complete set of books, and submits complete financial statements at regular meetings. The Treasurer oversees the administrative assistant to ensure all invoicing, bill payments, Quick Book entries and any other financial tasks required by the Treasurer are completed correctly and in a timely fashion. The Treasurer also presents a proposed budget for approval to the Board before the spring Board Meeting.
The Secretary takes minutes at monthly Board meetings and distributes draft within two weeks after the Board meeting for review and comment by Board Members. The Secretary keeps a list of all motions passed during the Board meetings, updates By-Laws as needed, and updates leadership materials as well as maintains original documents. The Secretary takes parent attendance at parent meetings, and keeps minutes at parent meetings anytime when membership is voting on an issue.
Fundraising Co-Chairs - this has been divided to include two co-chairs who work as a team.
Based on feedback from membership, our fundraising will focus on two major events: the annual pledge campaign and the spring gala/auction. The pledge campaign is already set up but needs someone enthusiastic and upbeat to get the details out to membership and set about collecting money.
The spring gala/auction has two sides, both equally important. This is a fundraiser, but it is also tremendous fun! This is great community builder. This event has two major parts - organizing the party (venue, catering, ticket sales, raffles, games etc.) and procurements (working with a committee team to procure various items to be displayed and sold at the party). If you have experience in/or love to plan events, this is for you! It is yours to make what you will of it within a set budget. Get creative and enjoy!
The Community Events chair is responsible for organizing and executing community events for the school, including the Welcome Back and End of School Picnics, Pancake Breakfast and Mother’s Day Teas. Some events have a small fundraising portion, but all are focused on bringing this wonderful community closer together. The team may also organize dine outs and other fun events. If you love to bring people together and want to strengthen our community and make lasting friendships, this is the role for you!
This chair focuses mainly on maintaining the physical property through management of the Community Rebuilding Days (CRDs) and general upkeep. The Maintenance Chair coordinates CRDs, keeps records of who fulfilled and who did not fulfill their CRD responsibilities, and emails those that did not attend to schedule their make-up or arrange for them to fulfill this requirement. The Chair maintains a list of projects and repairs as needed at the school, works with the “wish list” of the director and teachers, and discuss priorities with director.
The Marketing position focuses on reaching out to the wider community through preschool fairs, social media, and advertising, letting everyone in the area know about our wonderful school and community. This is a key role for our school and ideal for anyone with a marketing background and a love for our school! This position is as fun as you want to make it!